3D Point Cloud

"We are an all-inclusive shop for land development requirements”

3D Point Cloud Solutions

Stacey Surveying is a leading provider of point cloud to 3D model services for architects and builders requiring a meticulously detailed model of the renovation and refurbishment project they’re working on. We have expertise in creating 3D models that clearly display the architectural, structural, plumbing and electrical features of any type of building, with a team of highly qualified modelling experts that can convert any 3D point cloud to Revit model accurately.

3D point cloud modelling is recognised for being significantly more precise than older types of building models. The ever-growing market in the renovation and refurbishment sector has caused3D scanning to point cloud services becoming highly sought after. Our3D scanning to point cloud solutions are cost-effective and meticulously handled by our team of experienced and efficient 3D point cloud professionals, ensuring a speedy turnaround time for data and deliverables.

What is a Point Cloud?

A point cloud is a set of points relating to an object or surface. These sets are made with laser scanning technology, which uses a large volume of data to create 3D models.

How This Process is Done

Stacey Surveying carries out this work by using Revit, one of the most advanced CAD modelling software programs on the market. Revit it can be used for large scale projects that most other CAD software isn’t suitable for. It can manufacture 3D models, floor plans, elevations and sections, and much more. Revit3D scanning to point cloud technology can also capture survey data pertaining to the as-built environment; this practice is called point cloud to 3D model conversion. Revit guarantees that the model is highly accurate and of exceptional quality.

Highly Accurate Models

If you want to create models of buildings based on as-built survey data that’s precise, 3D point cloud offers an easy way to achieve this goal.

Superior Spatial Analysis

3D point cloud scanning technology is highly accuracy and powerful when it comes to creating enhanced visualisations of space management. This is something that our clients can greatly benefit from.

Contact Our Experts Today

Looking for a company that provides 3D point cloud services or need a quote for your upcoming 3D scanning to point cloud to 3D model project? For more information about the 3D point cloud solutions that Stacey Surveying offers to architects and builders in Melbourne, get in touch with us by calling (03) 9088 3695 or submitting an online enquiry.

Need Help? Let’s Get in Touch

Our Address

425 Maroondah Hwy, Croydon North VIC 3136

Have a Question? Feel Free To Contact Us.

Got a query related to land development for your Melbourne property, or want the advice of a private land surveyor based in Melbourne? For more information about our land  surveying services in Victoria, contact Stacey Surveying today by calling 03 9088 3695 or completing our convenient online contact form.

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